Monday, December 8, 2008

Helpful hints to get you through the winter!!

Good Evening! I'm hoping you are all safe and warm on this cold winter day.

I just wanted to share some ideas about taking care of your body this winter. With the snow falling outside, it's important to remember proper body mechanics when you pick up the shovel!

Keep in mind to turn your entire body, feet and all, in the direction you are throwing the snow vs turning at your midsection. This will save your lower back, especially if the snow is heavy. Be sure to stretch when you finish. It may not be a "gym" workout, but it's still a workout!! Stretching right away when you are done will also help alleviate back pain.

Some suggested stretches:

-Cat stretch: be on the floor on all fours and pull your belly button toward your spine to round your back.
-Child's pose: A great yoga position to stretch the lower back. Kneel on the floor, push your backside to your heels and bend at the waist. For an added stretch: put your arms overhead to get the stretch through the midback and shoulders.
-Sit and reach: Sit on the ground with your legs in front of you, outstretched. Bend at the waist to try to reach your toes. Don't bounce, just reach as far as you can until you feel the stretch.

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds to a minute, relax and try to stretch a little bit further the next time.
If at any time you feel pain, stop right away!!! Feel free to email me at if you have further questions about the stretches or you'd like other suggestions.

Hoping you are well.

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